

MatLab2 【熟练级】

赞同来自: juniorant ass

Google Drive或OneDrive



larry 【熟练级】 - I'm a network engineer that currently lives in China.

赞同来自: ass 秋刀鱼

Well cloud drives huh. I got a couple recommendations.

Google Drive: 15Gigs Free, No download/upload speed cap, No quota, No BS. Also If you're a student of have alumni status then you can get unlimited storage space, it's pretty damn dope.(Assumes that your uni is part of the Edu GSuite domain ofc)

One Drive: 5Gigs Free, Personally I never used it but I assume it won't have stuffs like download cap or quotas. Also 1TB for students. 1-6 TB for 365 office subs.

DropBox: Only 2Gigs for free, but you can do some dumb referral program to get up to 18Gigs. They claim they have no download/upload speed cap but idk why but the speed for me is just painfully slow. other than that it's fine I guess?

ICloud: 5Gigs Free, No download/upload cap, No quota,  Apple users only. Oh yeah Don't forget ICloud caused the entire event of "Fapping". So they certainly have "Top Notch" security as the Tim boy claims.

AmazonDrive: 5Gigs Free,
No download/upload cap, No quota. Also If you have prime then you get free unlimited photo storage.

Mega.NZ: Oh where do I start with one.... So 50Gigs for free, generous huh? well there are many big catches, but first, there is no download/upload cap which is good, but there is a transfer quota for 5 gigs daily (imo the quota is basically a deal breaker since it's completely absurd) which means you can only download for 5 gigs for free each day. you can bypass it by changing the IP address. Also the service is extremely non-firefox friendly which means If you're a firefox user like me then you gotta switch to chrome or download their BS client App. other than that there is also a big advantage to this cloud drive, they encrypted all the files you upload which means if you want save and share some Not-so-legit stuffs then this is a pretty good choice.

Personally I just use google drive. well that's about it.


Cloud Drive吧。我得到了一些建议。

Google云端硬盘:15Gigs免费,无下载/上传速度上限,无配额,无BS。另外,如果您是具有校友身份的学生,那么您可以获得无限的存储空间(假设您的uni属于Edu GSuite域ofc的一部分)

OneDrive:免费提供5Gigs,我个人从未使用过,但我认为它没有下载上限或配额之类的东西。学生也可以使用1TB。 1-6 TB(用于365个办公室)。


ICloud:5Gigs免费,无下载/上传上限,无配额,仅限Apple用户。哦,是的,不要忘记ICloud引起了整个“ Fapping”事件。因此,正如蒂姆男孩所说,他们当然具有“一流”的安全性。



我个人只是用Goolge Drive。就是这样。

竹下的光影 【熟练级】

赞同来自: ass

没有这样的,国外网盘你要免费的话,google drive有15GB免费空间,one drive我记得是5GB免费空间。

Barry 【资深级】 - 换个头像,换个心情...

赞同来自: ass

google Drive 不行吗?

Lucifer 【资深级】

赞同来自: ass



ass 【入门级】

赞同来自: CtrlAlt


the_gunner 【入门级】

