[MCN/Relay] One of the most amusing service I've seen | 我见过的最有趣的服务之一

So, recently I've been looking into some proxy services aka "机场" (I assume that's what you guys call it here) and somehow I stumbled upon a service called "MCN", and after looking through their site and some legal documents, I legit couldn't help but laughed at it. Please note this is not a service review, but more of a meme post since I didn't purchase this service and will probably never purchase it.

So let's get started, first thing first, Here's their site "mcnocean dot com" (due to restriction on this forum please replace the word "dot" with ".")

First impression, it looks bland, boring and just doesn't stand out among the myriads of VPNs and Proxy services. But hey, that's not the main point.

Now take a closer look,

Enjoy faster network when access our network

Excuse me but what does that even mean???  First let me correct the grammar here "Enjoy faster network when ACCESSING our network" but that still doesn't make much sense, wdym by "faster network" like higher internet speed? Lower latency? Why not just call it "We greatly optimize your Internet speed and latency while using our service"
It's confusing and at the sane time hilarious.

Our service has never been so cost effective. Save money.
Idk why but that "Save money" part is just amusing to me, it just sounds odd and at the same time somewhat cute, also about their claim of "saving money" the cost of this proxy service is way higher than industry standards (around 320 USD/ year, 1.5TB for month, average 50 gigs daily, that's pretty terrible price for a proxy service)

IX Connectivity
IXP/IX stands for internet exchange point, I won't explain too much about it here, if you're interested, go read the wiki on that. Just know that the purpose of an IXP is to allow networks to interconnect directly, via the exchange point. But Wdym by "Access internet exchanges to massive content providers" IXP is internet exchange point, you don't access them, you hop right thorough them and who are the massive content providers? Like, Netflix, Hulu or something? What does this sentence even mean???? This makes no sense.

ISP friendly
I don't think I need to comment on that, "ISP friendly"..... What does that even mean??????

Okay after that nightmare of a homepage introduction, I think you all know what we're dealing with.
Now, let's talk about their reviews and partners.

So presumably, Hulu is in collaboration with MCN (The company's name is MCN, I don't know what it stands for but definitively not multi channel network ) and the Hulu Beijing office is recommending this service, sounds fantastic, Hulu is certainly one of those companies you can trust (wink wink) so that means you can also trust this company right??? Well that would be the case if not due to the fact that Hulu never ever has entered the Chinese market nor does it ever have an office in Beijing. What an absurd and totally real statement here.

and about their partners

"International innovatives trust us"

LMAO, WTF ahahahahaha this is too freaking good. "INTERNATIONAL INNOVATIVES"

Also please note, Hulu is definitively not in a partnership with them. Cause Hulu is not an "International Innovative" (They literally just copied netflix lol)

Okay, let's keeping going, now let's talk about their TOS

So first note that by agreeing to their TOS, you would also agree to their Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy,  Service Level Agreement. But none of them are in English

I wouldn't be translating and reviewing them even though they're probably bangers like the TOS

Anyway let's get right into this "legal document"

"MCN reserves the right to refuse to provide You with any Service for any reason" That doesn't sound very "friendly" unlike what you're doing with my ISPs now huh? Also that clause is asking for a lawsuit. Please note, the service is based in the US (there's not indication of that but they did mention to comply with the US Federal laws in the later TOS) AKA you absolutely cannot refuse service for reasons that violates the mandate of the protected class such as nationality, race, gender, religion, color, physical or mental handicaps. No companies would ever write something like that in their legal document, It'd usually be like "We reserve the right to refuse your service with the exception of federal mandates of the protected class"

"Notwithstanding Our Uptime Guarantee found in Section 17 of this Agreement"
Well damn, that uptime guarantee at the homepage is totally a fraud then?

No grace period I see, that's just terrible, Usually companies would give you a week or a month grace period and notify you when the changes in the TOS documents. It's absurd to tell the users just to periodically re-visit the document page and use the "refresh button"  I'm not an legal expert but I don't think that's legal under federal consumer protection laws.

There are many more of these ridiculous examples on their TOS page. I'll leave the link here If you want to have a good laugh and read it.
mcnocean dot com/company/legal

In the end, I decide to confront them about this legal document.
but sadly they weren't online at the moment

I'll edit this post once I got any response from them

So, overall this seems like a scam than an actual proxy service and if you know more about this service please share it below, I'd love to have a good chuckle about this ridiculous service.


所以,最近我一直在研究一些代理服务,也就是 "机场" (我猜你们这里是这么叫的),不知怎么的,我偶然发现了一个叫 "MCN "的服务,在看了他们的网站和一些法律文件后,我合法的忍不住笑了起来。请注意,这不是一个服务评论,更多的是一个备忘录的帖子,因为我没有购买这个服务,可能永远不会购买它。

那么让我们开始吧,首先,这里是他们的网站 "MCNocean dot com" (由于本论坛的限制,请将 "点 "字改为".")




对不起,但这到底是什么意思呢??? 首先让我纠正一下这里的语法 "在访问我们的网络时,享受更快的网络",但这仍然没有太大意义,wdym所说的 "更快的网络 "比如更高的网速?更低的延迟?为什么不直接叫 "我们在使用我们服务的同时,大大优化您的网速和延迟"


我不知道为什么,但 "省钱 "的部分只是有趣的我,它只是听起来很奇怪,在同一时间有点可爱,也关于他们声称的 "省钱 "这个代理服务的成本是远远高于行业标准(约320美元/年,1.5TB的一个月,平均每天50个gigs,这是相当可怕的代理服务的价格)。

九 连接性
IXP/IX是Internet交换点的缩写,我在这里就不做过多的解释了,如果你有兴趣,可以去看一下这方面的wiki。只要知道IXP的目的是通过交换点,让网络直接互联。但是Wdym所说的 "接入互联网交换点到海量内容提供商 "IXP就是互联网交换点,你不接入他们,你直接跳过他们,而海量内容提供商是谁?比如Netflix、Hulu什么的?这句话到底是什么意思?????这是没有意义的。




"International innovatives 信任我们"

LMAO,WTF啊哈哈哈哈这太吓人了。" International innovatives "

另外请注意,Hulu是绝对不与他们合作的。因为Hulu不是一个 " International innovatives "(他们简直就是抄袭netflix lol)。



总之,让我们直接进入这个 "法律文件"

"MCN保留以任何理由拒绝向您提供任何服务的权利",这话听起来不怎么 "友好",不像你们现在对我的ISP做的那样,是吧?而且这个条款也是在自找麻烦。请注意,该服务是基于美国的(虽然没有说明,但他们在后面的服务条款中提到要遵守美国联邦法律),也就是你绝对不能以违反受保护阶层的任务为由拒绝服务,比如国籍、种族、性别、宗教、肤色、身体或精神障碍。没有公司会在法律文件中写这样的内容,通常会写成 "我们保留拒绝您的服务的权利,但受保护阶级的联邦授权除外"


没有宽限期我看,这太可怕了,通常公司都会给你一周或一个月的宽限期,并在TOS文件发生变化时通知你。告诉用户只需定期重新访问文档页面并使用 "刷新按钮",这是荒谬的,我不是法律专家,但我认为根据联邦消费者保护法,这是不合法的。

最后,我决定在支持聊天中与他们面对这份法律文件。 但可惜他们目前不在网上 收到他们的任何回复后,我将对其进行编辑 因此,总的来说,这似乎是一个骗局,而不是实际的代理服务。如果您对此服务有更多了解,请在下面分享。我很乐意对此荒谬的服务轻笑。


Laitinlok 【熟练级】

赞同来自: Biyougong

Most Chinese people use Google translate or other translate services to translate their Chinese TOS and Legal terms to English. That explains why there are so many grammar mistakes and confusing words. Most airport in China are usually smaller than those industry standards like NordVPN and ExpressVPN. They probably don't have a legal team to write good legal terms and most airports don't care about users' privacy and will probably comply to any authorities, so that's how they works.  Most proxy services in China are pretty expensive and don't offer unlimited bandwidth for obvious reasons, mainly because they offer China optimised routing and the overall bandwidth costs could be pretty expensive. 

ILoveBeasts 【熟练级】

赞同来自: Biyougong

I agree, it is most likely just Google Translate doing a bad job. And it obviously made up the partner/customer reviews.
Let me try to explain the four points to a laowai (老外):
1. Enjoy faster network: it means you can bypass the bandwidth throttling imposed by GFW.
2. Cost effective: that's a matter of personal opinion. Its price range is above the average compared to other "airport" proxy providers IMHO.
3. IX Connectivity: it's just a marketing point. I assume it meant exactly what you said: its network is super fast because the IXP connectivity allows direct connections among different carriers.
4. ISP friendly: it means regardless which one of the three ISPs you use (China Telecom, China Mobile, or China Unicom), its speed will be fast.
These "airport" proxy services operate in a legal grey area. Their very existence is justified by the presence of GFW, which the government never officially acknowledges to exist. So keep that in mind when you read their legal documents.
And by the way, the Chinese translation of your post is quite amusing as well. It is just as bad as the legal terms from mcnocean. No personal offense here. :-)
