

larry 【熟练级】 - I'm a network engineer that currently lives in China.

赞同来自: band_in_china 陀思妥耶夫斯基 Alcohollll tongue Biyougong

Well tbh I don't understand much what he's saying here, but from the pieces I gathered from Yandex translation. basically it's like this, the provider of this VPN service (Shadowsock etc) is under an investigation because someone used darkweb or something, and unfortunately the service does keep logs and by the court orders (probably) that he had to turn over these logs.

So first: which nation's police department is investigating? and on what ground they are able to conduct this investigation in the first place? Also, you only need to turn over logs when the court orders it,  If someone was just using the darkweb which I haven't heard any laws in any nation claims that visiting the darkweb is illegal. So there shouldn't even be an investigation initiated in the first place.

Second: The provider of this service also claimed they do not have the responsibility to "cover up" any of your wrongdoings. Sorry????? You're a damn VPN provider, You should protect your users safety and privacy, that's main reason why people signed up for this service, what in the world were you thinking?

Third: The dude also said they keep logs for a month. Well this is just absurd. Like I said in the past, Don't ever trust a VPN provider that claims that they keep logs flagrantly. Only trust the providers that have their Zero-Logs policy verified by a third party.

For instance  Express VPN was in hot water with the Turkish government a few years ago. Basically the event can be summarized like this, The Russian ambassador in the Turkey was murdered, and the suspect used ExpressVPN to login into Facebook before he murdered that Russian ambassador. So the police asked ExpressVPN to cooperate with the investigation and the court did order the company to comply since this case literally involved murdering, But ExpressVPN basically replied that"We are sorry that something like this has happened. But we don't keep logs at all, so we can't provide any"  Because the "unwillingness to cooperate" from the ExpressVPN, the Turkish police physically seized the servers within Turkey, But even that they still weren't able to get any logs, because it's like what Express has claimed "they don't keep any logs".

That's what I would call a trusted provider. For real though, no VPN provider should ever keep logs. It is unacceptable.






例如,几年前,Express VPN与土耳其政府陷入了困境。基本上可以将事件概括如下:俄罗斯驻土耳其大使被谋杀,嫌疑人在谋杀俄罗斯大使之前使用ExpressVPN登录Facebook。因此警察要求ExpressVPN配合调查,法院确实命令该公司遵守,因为此案确实涉及谋杀案,但ExpressVPN基本上回答说:“我们很抱歉发生了这样的事情。但是我们不保留记录。所有,所以我们无法提供任何信息。“由于ExpressVPN的“不愿合作”,土耳其警方在土耳其境内物理上没收了服务器,但是即使它们仍然无法获得任何日志,因为这就像Express声称“他们不保留任何日志”。


seanlee 【入门级】

赞同来自: band_in_china tongue Biyougong


xj012458 【入门级】

赞同来自: VELLAGET band_in_china Biyougong


Lucifer 【资深级】

赞同来自: band_in_china Biyougong


竹下的光影 【熟练级】



Jason_Fue 【资深级】 - ExpressVPN, SurfShark user



Providers with seriousness as well as prevention will take the initiative to block access to the darkweb, etc in case such things happen.

RIP 【熟练级】 - RIP=run into problem


mars 【入门级】



